Tuesday, March 26, 2013


TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) adalah ujian kemampuan bahasa Inggris (logat Amerika) yang diperlukan untuk mendaftar masuk ke Universitas di Amerika Serikat atau Negara-negara lain. TOEFL diselenggarakan oleh kantor ETS (Educational Testing Service) di Amerika Serikat untuk semua peserta tes di seluruh dunia.

Pada awalnya TOEFL diperlukan bagi pelajar di negara-negara yang bahasa ibunya bukan bahasa inggris yang ingin melanjutkan study ke negara-negara yang bahasa resminya bahasa inggris seperti Amerika Serikat, Kanada dan Negara-negara bagian Eropa Barat.

Tidak hanya untuk ke luar negeri saja, di Indonesia TOEFL juga digunakan untuk:
  • Persyaratan bagi penerimaan karyawan baru di instansi pemerintah, perusahaan pemerintah dan swasta
  • Syarat peneremiaan mahasiswa baru di jenjang S2 dan S3
  • Syarat pengajuan beasiswa, baik dari pemerintah maupun swasta
Secara umum TOEFL score minimal yang di syaratkan sekitar iBT 80-92 atau jika di iquevalenkan ke PBT sekitar antara 550 - 580.


IELTS (International English Language Testing System) adalah uji coba kemampuan berbahasa inggris yang bersama diselenggarakan oleh Universitas Cambridg, British Council dan IDP Educational Australia.
Untuk score IELTS dibutuhkan band scale dalam rentang 6.0 - 6.5 untuk program sarjana dan band scale 7.0 -7.5 bagi peminat program pascasarjana.

TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) adalah tes yang hanya mengukur kemampuan berbahasa inggris dalam aktivitas sehari-hari. TOEIC lebih mudah dibandingkan TOEFL. Score TOEIC dimulai dari 400 - 900.


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Present Perfect Tense

The Present Perfect Tense is a ferb from that is used to express:
  • an action that has completed before the present time
  • an action that has an effect on the present situation
  • an activity or a state that has continued for a period of time from a point in the past until the present
 Time markers that are usually:
  • already
  • just
  • not yet
  • since
  • for


(+) Rita has read the letter
(-) Rita has not read the letter
(?) Has Rita read the letter?

(+) I have turned on the light
(-) I have not turned on the light
(?) Have I turned on the light?

(+) Rina has just returned from school
(-) Rina has not just returned from school
(?) Has Rina just returned from school?

(+) Those people have lived in Java for 25 years
(-) Those people have not lived in Java for 25 years
(?) Have those people lived in Java for 25 years?

(+) Irwansyah has worked for PT. Astra International in Jakarta
(-) Irwansyah has not worked for PT. Astra International in Jakarta
(?) Has Irwansyah worked for PT. Astra International in Jakarta?

(+) Mr. Simon has written three books in this month
(-) Mr. Simon has not written three books in this month
(?) Has Mr. Simon written three books in this month?

(+) That old man has smoked ten cigarettes today
(-) That old man has not smoked ten cigarettes today
(?) Has that old man smoked ten cigarettes today?

(+) The worker has painted the wall
(-) The worker has not painted the wall
(?) Has the worker painted the wall?

(+) We have eaten up all apples
(-) We have not eaten up all apples
(?) Have we eaten up all apples?

(+) Sella has played tennis twice a week
(-) Sella has not played tennis twice a week
(?) Has Sella played tennis twice a week?


(+) I have been learning English since 1997
(-) I have not been learning English since 1997
(?) Have I been learning English since 1997?

(+) Mr. Smith has been painting the ceiling of  the house since 9:00 a.m
(-) Mr. Smith has not been painting the ceiling of the house since 9:00 a.m
(?) Has Mr. Smith been painting the ceiling of the house since 9:00 a.m?

(+) Miranda has been traveling to Australia
(-) Miranda has not been traveling to Australia
(?) Has Miranda been traveling to Australia?

(+) Greg has been playing tennis since 10 o'clock
(-) Greg has not been playing tennis since 10 o'clock
(?) Has Greg been playing tennis since 10 o'clock?
(+) The mechanic has been repairing his car for five hours
(-) The mechanic has not been repairing his car for five hours
(?) Has the mechanic been repairing his car for five hours?

(+) She has been learning English since she was in Elementary School
(-) She has not been learning English since she was in Elementary School
(?) Has she been learning English since she was in Elementary School?

(+) I have been visiting Bogor Palace
(-) I have not been visiting Bogor Palace
(?) Have I been visiting Bogor Palace?

(+) They have been doing a TOEFL test preparation
(-) They have not been doing a TOEFL test preparation
(?) Have they been doing a TOEFL test preparation?

(+) You have been drinking Coca-cola for two years
(-) You have not been drinking Coca-cola for two years
(?) Have you been drinking Coca-cola for two years?

(+) My Boyfriend have been living in Makassar for six years
(-) My Boyfriend have not been living in Makassar for six years
(?) Have My Boyfriend been living in Makassar for six years?