Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Soe Hok Gie

 Mungkin gw salah satu orang yang ketinggalan jaman. Tapi it's ok lah lebih baik telat dari pada tidak sama sekali. Barusan gw nonton film Soe Hok Gie (2005) yang di perankan oleh Nicholas Saputra. Film itu tayang waktu gw kelas 1 atau 2 SMP (agak lupa) dan dulu gw ga suka yang namanya nonton film. Tapi ga tau kenapa tadi pada saat gw didepan laptop, terlintas dipikiran gw buat nonton film tersebut. Asli deh gw merinding ga tau kenapa bisa begitu. Setelah gw nonton, ah gila... di tahun itu (sekitar tahun 50an-60an) mahasiswa/i pada waktu itu jiwanya lebih demokratis, pola pikirnya lebih anarkis, dan pemberani. Kembali lagi pada sosok Soe Hok Gie, gw agak amazing banget ada mahasiswa seberani itu untuk melakukan perubahan terhadap negaranya. Sedangkan kita, mahasiswa jaman sekarang kayak kita kerjaannya cuma nongkrong, pacaran, main-main. Cuma sedikit yang sosoknya seperti Soe Hok Gie di jaman sekarang ini. Sangat disayangkan Soe Hok Gie meninggal dunia di usia yang sangat muda (26 tahun). Seandainya dia masih hidup sampai saat ini, kira-kira seperti apa ya perjuangan dia selanjutnya? Ah... mungkin ini semua sudah rencana Tuhan agar generasi muda selanjutnya yang bertindak untuk melakukan perubahan. Apakah mahasiswa seperti kita di jaman sekarang ini bisa meneruskan perjuangan Soe Hok Gie dan Mahasiswa Trisakti (1998)? Who knows?

Monday, May 27, 2013

Come on, Visit Indonesia

Hey you... yes you. where are you from? US? UK? Mexico? China? Africa? Well, let me introduce my lovely country INDONESIA.

Our Flag it called 'Bendera Merah Putih' (in English: Red White Flag)

First, I will introduce there a island in north sumatra. this island is very unique because the island located in the middle of the lake it called Toba lake. yeah PULAU SAMOSIR (Samosir Island).

Second, there are a lot of large rocks. ah... so beutiful. Bangka Belitung, Riau Archipelago.

Third, this is our Capital State, JAKARTA.

it called 'Bunderan HI' (Indonesia Hotel Roundabout)

Our National Monument it called MONAS

Traffic and Flood. hey guys don't you worry. this is Jakarta image, you never see and feel it in your country. Come on.. enjoy okay :)

Fourth, if you an animal lover, here is a captive orangutans in our country, located in central borneo (central kalimantan).

Fifth, have you read the book or watching tv, did you know one of quite scary active volcanoes in this world? Mount Krakatau located in sunda strait, the peak appears at sea level.

Sixth, there's no electricity, no electronic, no soap/shampoo, no detergent, no colorful clothes. There's only black & white clothing and NATURE!!! Suku Baduy, Banten.

Seventh, want to see the sun rise with cold temperatures are romantic with your husband/wife? This is the place. Mount Bromo, East Java.

Eighth, who does not know Bali? I think all people in this world know Bali.

Ninth, seriously... i can't describe but this is the most recommendation from me and you'll not regret coming to this place. TANA TORAJA, South Sulawesi.

traditional house of Toraja

traditional funeral ceremony


the mummy

Tenth, Komodo Island. On the island the ancient animals lived. Many wild dragons that live on this island. Awesome!!!

Eleventh, you like to dive? Here you are, welcome to the paradise.

Finally, this is indeed paradise of Indonesia. Nature untouched by human hands are ignorant. Earth filled with abundant natural resource. WEST PAPUA.

mountains jaya wijaya

raja ampat

Actually there are many of destinations to visit Indonesia but only some that I wrote in my blog. Once again, the famous Indonesian people is friendly and smiling.

Hello... I am a HIJABER

Mei, 2013. I decided to worn hijab. Allah has gave me a guidance in my dream. well, it's sounds like a joke but i'm sure about that. I wore hijab while my Mom's birthday. I saw her smile, I saw her happiness in her face when she look at me wore hijab. You need to know that i'm note wearing it because it follows the trend. I'm wearing it because of obligations as a muslim woman.

"and say to believing woman, that they may withhold partial vision, maintain dignity and not show her jewelery (her body apart), from the obvious (must be open - face and hands). and let them tell her scarf to her neck and chest and no jewelery show (her body), except to her husband, father, father of her husband, her children, her husband's children, brothers/sisters, children of her brothers/sisters, the children of women fellow sisters, her slave, the man who runs obligations but do not have the desire (of woman), and children who do not have the sense to the genitalia of woman. and do not let them tap her feet, so that people know the hidden jewels. and repent to Allah all of you, believers, in order that you're lucky."
(QS.An-Nur : 31)

"not acceptable prayer except that adult women wearing khimar (headscraf)."
(HR.Ahmad, Abu Daud, Tirmidji, bn Majah)

There are many commands of Allah to muslim women to wear hijab but only some that I wrote in my blog. Of the letter that i'm sure and believe, that I was not wearing hijab because nobody but Allah.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct Speech

1. She said, "What time is it?"
2. He said, "Did you finish your assigmnet?"
3. He said, "Have you seen my sister?"
4. He said, "Is what you said really true?"
5. She said, "Who do you think will win the champions league?"

Indirect Speech

1. Vera said if I should come to the seminar.
2. Shinta asked me if was what she has heard is true.
3. Bayu told me to come to his birthday party.
4. Hilda said she need to eat now.
5. Irfan asked me if I can meet his after class.

Saturday, May 04, 2013


Kita bukan sepasang kekasih. Kita hanya teman.
Teman? ah... sepertinya lebih dari itu.

Seperti biasa, kita saling mencuri pandang.
Seperti biasa, kita duduk berdekatan.
Seperti biasa, kita saling SMS-an tiap malam.
Ya, aku merindukannya.

Masih teringat jelas, ini bulan ke-3. Dimana semua itu telah tiada.

Seperti biasa, kita saling tak memandang.
Seperti biasa, kita saling berjauhan.
Seperti biasa, kita saling tak berteguran.
Ya, aku membencinya.

Masih teringat jelas, ini bulan ke-3. Dimana semua itu terasa asing.

Pertanyaan yang terlintas dipikiranku 3 bulan yang lalu.
Salah siapa?
Kenapa bisa begini?

Jawaban yang keluar dari nuraniku di bulan ini, bulan ke-3.
Karena aku mengecewakannya. Bukan sekali, bukan juga dua kali. Mungkin tak terhitung sudah berapa kali aku mengecewakannya.

dan sampai saat ini, aku belum sempat mengucapkan kata "maaf" untuk dia. mungkin kata "maaf" tak akan bisa membayar semua kekecewaan yang dia rasakan selama ini. lagi pula, bagaimana cara mengutarakan kata maaf, sedangkan kita telah berjauhan seperti ini. mungkin disini, di tempat ini. semoga dia baca.
B... maafin kiki ya :)

: Untukmu temanku